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Excellence in Hip Care™  

The Hip Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of hip care to our patients. We specialize in the nonoperative and operative care of hip pain. Our team is commited to personalized service and professional results.

We believe in utilizing the most advanced hip techniques and technologies for all of our patients. Our experts offer the latest techniques in hip joint preservation including arthroscopic hip surgery (FAI), anterior hip replacement (MIS THA), acetabular reconstruction (AO/ASIF), and hip rehabilitation. Our combination of available technologies is unique to only a handful of centers around the world.

Call Us: 336.716.WAKE(9253)

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The information on this Website is for general informational purposes only and SHOULD NOT be relied upon as a substitute for sound professional medical advice, evaluation or care from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. If you have a medical problem or a health-related question, consult your physician or call Health On-Call at 336-716-8091 or 1-800-446-2255.